Directed, wrote and produced a short film series exploring–our need to find someone we have a connection with. Leading a production crew and volunteer cast in London, Stockholm and San Francisco.

Channels: Film. Content.
Role: Director. Producer. Writer. Editor. VFX Artist.
Agency: Kin Studios.

Part 1:
2:30 min. Part 2 coming soon.


Focus Of The Film
Across cultures and generations, whether a romantic or a cynic––we all long to find someone we can have a true connection with. Some do unbelievable things in pursuit and search of that one person. But why? This question, is the catalyst for this film.

I love the power of film to decipher the elusive nature of the human condition, and distill it into a succinct emotive experience.

Directing & Crews
This was a budget production where I counted on a hard working full crew of volunteers and junior talent. I also had to cover many roles, so I directed, produced, edited, casted, art directed, did all visual effects (and everything necessary to make this real). Complete cast & crew credits show at the film’s end.

I truly enjoy the dynamic of directing film, organising everyone to shape a cohesive vision—while leading some of the largest crews in the creative world. Making a myriad of creative decisions in real-time, in the most unforgiving circumstances.

Script Excerpt
"Like water falling not knowing where to, but constantly helplessly falling, we slip hurrying endlessly to where no one knows, as if born with a promise that we’ll get there, if we just keep going, past this turn.

Rushing to a place we’ve never seen, but are so sure exists. This need is as strong as a memory, proof of somewhere we’re trying to return to, but that we’ve only been to in deep longing, in wishes, in dreams.

This need is stronger than beliefs in god, because those who question god’s existence and give up, never feel as deep a disappointment as those who give up on love".


Film Stills Parts 1 & 2



Location Location Location!
We looked at over 50 laundromats to find one with the right type of old style dryers that spin at a slower cycle which has that mesmerizing flow of clothing endlessly falling (vs. the chaotic spin of modern dryers). And with enough space to do the opening track shot.

Then we put up wallpaper, wood-flooring and other details to create the right mood.

Teams & Volunteers
This film involved leading the efforts of a 40+ person cast and crew of mostly volunteer talent, and a few professionals. It was produced in San Francisco, London and Stockholm.

Unlike projects with large budgets and employed teams, personal projects demand a certain ingenuity to maximize small budgets, and inspire volunteers to do their best work.